Friday, January 23, 2015

Recovery Process? 

I am currently nursing from a knee pain injury. One thing I learn from this process is the importance of listening to the body. If the body is signaling pain, then it is important to take a rest (yes, rest is the most difficult thing to do when your mind wants to keep training). Resting does not mean sitting at the couch, and refraining from doing any activities. Although, cycling may make the knee pain worse as one bends their knees a lot more which may put more pressure and pain. So, what am I doing at the moment?

I have been testing my knees. Yes, I want to see how much my knees can tolerate running. This may sound counter-intuitive as stopping running completely will allow the knees to recover. I think it is important to run (maybe not speed or strength workout) easy mileage. This is because easy mileage does not put a lot of stress to the knees which allow it to recover. And, at the same time, it allows the knees to get used to the stress of running. I am no sport medical doctor, or sport injury specialist. So, I will not recommend this to anyone. Complete rest would always be the safe option, as it may avoid new running injuries from happening.

I am planning to do some easy mileage, and hopefully continue to increase my running back to my old intensity and mileage. Other than easy mileage, I will incorporate some core strengthening, stretching, and icing. Finger-crossed this injury will be the story in the past, and I will be back to training hard (but also training smart!). The bad news is that it is hard to tell when the knee pain will be recovered.

Anyway, I wish everyone an injury-free training we have 128 days to go until the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon. If you have not registered, just click the register button (yellow button on the top right hand corner on their website). 

#keeponrunning #trainhard #trainsmart #yycrun

Monday, January 19, 2015

2015...What's Next Goal?
It has been months since I have blogged. Again, I want to say thank you to all my friends and family who have supported in my journey in qualifying for the Boston Marathon. It was a dream came true when I crossed the finish line of the Toronto Waterfront Marathon with a time of 2:59:01. So, what's next for 2015?

Ever since I finished the marathon on October 19th, I want to train hard and achieve faster times for shorter distances (i.e. 5k, 10k, and half marathon). I believe the importance of setting new goals or dreams as it allows us to strive to become our best selves, and continue to grow. But, I made a mistake here...I did not give myself enough time to fully recover from the marathon. As a result, I faced some foot pain, and legs problem. 

After taking 2 weeks off in November, I attempted running again. I am grateful that the Strides Running Store was organizing the annual run streak (running every day, at least a mile for the rest of December). During this time, I have already missed a month of speed/strength training, and mileage for the First Half Half in February. I used the annual run streak to slowly build my mileage base (started the first two weeks running 68-70 km per week), then the last two weeks running my usual weekly distance (100km+ per week). There were little to no speed works and strength works. After having my mileage base back, I told myself I am ready to train again...and look forward to seeing my Adrenaline Rush team mates in January.

Comes January. I am following the training schedule that is outlined by my coach (Janice). However, my legs are not as good shape as before. Plus, I am still running with my winter weight. Am I ready for First Half Half? Let's see.

I ran my first 2015 race on January 17th. It was the MEC Race at Eau Claire. I started my run with 5k warm-up with the Champion at this race, Hernan Paul. Hernan was the winner of last year's MEC Race #1. There were many strong competitors in the 10k category (there were 11 sub-40 runners). I ended up in 9th place with 38:23. It was not an easy race as I was breathing hard, and my legs were not in good shape. I am happy to see my friends cheering for me at the start, and on the course (thank you!). I am also glad to see my running friends (including the Champion Hernan, Jason, Noel, Bruce, etc) did so well in this race.

Now, I am pondering whether I should passed on the First Half Half this year as my current shape there is no way I can achieve sub 80. As my friend and team mate (Morris) would say, "there are many half marathons". The First Half Half is a half marathon I have been looking forward to do since 2014. But, if I want to run my best half marathon, I must first be in my best shape with pain-free. So, as for now, I will leave the First Half Half on the side. I am really excited to see my team mates (Cairns, Mark D, Keith, Greg, Jordan, Pauline, Bob, etc), as well as other Calgarians (including Trevor "Nacho Libre", Jeremy Deere, etc) doing well in this event. Go Calgary Runners Go!! 

As for now, I have my eyes set on Spring races, including the Glencoe 10k, the Original St. Patrick Day race, and more importantly the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon. At the moment, I have signed up for the full marathon. However, I would like to do the half marathon again this year (not to mention, it is the national half marathon championship). I believe that with some hard training (and smart training), I will get my sub 80 on May 31st. 

131 days until the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon. What are you waiting for? Signed up if you have not. There are 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon, as well as 50K Ultra!!!!

See you on the road!! And, see you at some of these spring races!!